Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Pumpkin for the Punkin!

We spent last weekend in Brownwood with Michael's dad and sister. Saturday Meredith and I took advantage of the fabulous fall-like weather and took Maggie to a local pumpkin patch for pictures. She tolerated the excursion - which meant she went along with the silliness but protested with absolutely no smiles. (You can make me lay here for the pictures but you can't make me smile. a-ha!)

Really mom, on top of the pumpkins?

After we finished with the pictures a young man who worked at the pumpkin patch - obviously enchanted with the cuteness that is Miss MagB - came up with a small pumpkin and asked if the Punkin needed a Pumpkin. Well of course she does. Here's the punkin with her pumpkin (still protesting the strange orange orb with no smiles).

The next few pics are just some random ones taken over the last few weeks. Now, normally I am not a fan of the baby accessory I like to call the brain squisher. Us thick-haired types say leave those to the baldies who need gender identification. However, Maggie received a cute outfit from a neighbor that came with a matching BS (brain squisher) so I thought, what the heck, let's try it. And, I must say - pretty darn cute!

This next picture captures one of my very favorite faces (second only to her huge gummy grin!)that Maggie often likes to sport. I call it the squishy face. Usually she reserves this face for waking up time. It's a sweet, groggy, I'm awake but not sure I want to stay that way face.

Here's Mags with her forever-wet chin. I expect a colony of mushrooms or other moisture-loving fungi to sprout up any time. What is it with the drool? (Though it does make for some good slobbery kisses!)

Here is more sweet squishy face. It's hard, tiring work being Magb.

Love and squishy faces to all!


Anonymous said...

Hey...What is with the bald gender indentification comment?? I know that it wasn't at all geared to your completly bald neice???

Anyway, she is very cute!! BS and all! I can't wait to see her tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Dude, what is up with my spelling? Must be from writing all those papers. Sorry!

Laurie said...

She is so sweet! I love her sqishy face and wet chin!