Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our First Refrigerator Art!

For Thanksgiving Maggie's teachers had the kiddos do an art project to send home to the parents. This is our first (of many to be sure) hand turkeys to don the refrigerator! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see just how they were able to pry her little hand open to get such a perfect turkey. I love that the teachers' even attempted this with the little guys!

Michael usually gets the fun job of picking Maggie up from school. (While I get the un-fun task of dropping her off!) Really, it's o.k. since he is usually able to pick her up around 4 p.m. thus shortening her stay at school. Anyhoo, they have their little routine which usually consists of a walk around the park while mommy is on her way home. Michael snapped this picture of MagB yesterday after he bundled her all up for their walk.

In other news: Maggie is cutting her first tooth! The top part of one of her bottom teeth has broken through the gums! Looks like the gummy grin's days are numbered.

Love to all!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Five Months Old!

It's so hard to believe our MagB is five months old today! Seems like just yesterday we were bringing her tiny and fragile self home wondering when in the world her parents were going to come pick her up because she couldn't possibly be ours. But lucky us! She is all ours and the past five months have been filled with more love, joy, happiness and laughter than we could have possibly ever imagined because of our precious angel face. She is so much a part of us now that it's as if she's always been here with us. I tear up just thinking about how lucky and blessed we are to have been chosen as Maggie's parents. And I pray daily that we can live up to all that she deserves! We love you, little sweet pea!

As you can see from the pictures below, she is growing like a weed! It's hard to keep her in clothes right now, she is growing so fast. Really, I will put an outfit on her one week and the next week it's too small! Her hair is also growing out of control as you can see by the rogue curl over her left ear!

This picture totally cracks me up. Her hair here is very "Elvis meets Flock of Sea Gulls!" Thank you. Thank you very much!

Like any good COC of repute, our church did a "Baby Blessing Sunday" recently. (They actually do several through out the year because there are so many babies born there!) It goes something like this: all the new babies and parents go up front while a slide show of baby pictures runs in the back ground and the congregation sings "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and then the Elders come up and surround the group and pray for the babies and their parents. It's actually a pretty cool thing. Here's a picture of the group up front. You can see Michael there in the back and you can barely see Maggie's pink little dress there next to him.

And here she is all dolled up for the event!

This was the week I battled Round 1 of a nasty sinus infection as you can see by my bright red nose! (Why yes Santa, I will guide your sleigh tonight!)

That' s all for now...Love to all!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Pray for Ethan

As I visit other blogs I often like to visit the blogs those folks like to frequent. One in particular has shown up on several friends' links and I have come to visit it almost daily. Today I feel compelled to share it with you. It's Now I do not know this family from Adam, but I know they need our prayers and it's been heavy on my heart today. Please pray for this family and their precious boy.

Love to all.